Major Obstacles the EV Industry Faces Currently

What are the obstacles the EV industry is facing now? Transportation may have a great impact on a person’s daily life. It’s also human nature to feel more at ease with changing behavior if it becomes the standard. Despite the fact that EV awareness is high, almost two-thirds (65%) of Americans have never driven an electric vehicle (EV) or know anybody who has.

Despite this, the use of electric bicycles in Delhi is growing quickly due to several factors, including decreasing battery costs, greater ranges resulting from enhanced battery performance, and incentives from the federal and state governments. Comparing Gen Z to Baby Boomers, 42% of the former group said they are at least somewhat inclined to consider purchasing an electric vehicle (EV), indicating that younger Americans are especially conscious of connected environmental challenges.

Obstacles The EV Industry Faces

The EV sector is confronted with several urgent problems. These are the top 10 problems we must solve as the sector develops.

Range Anxiety:

When it comes to locating a petrol station for a fast fill-up when required, Americans are used to getting in their automobiles and driving anywhere they want (and whatever far).
However, consumers are concerned about the distance that electric vehicles may drive before they locate a charging station and are forced to endure a protracted charging session. This difficulty is especially concerning during the winter because below-freezing conditions may result in a large decrease in an EV’s typical battery range.

A Challenge Locating A Technician:

Most auto owners discover that having their vehicle serviced by a dealer may be far more costly than employing a certified independent maintenance and repair facility. There are few certified independent shops or skilled EV repair professionals since the EV market is still tiny. Most EV owners depend on their EV dealer for servicing since doing repairs on an EV other than replacing tires, brakes, light bulbs, and audio components may be risky for an inexperienced technician.

Fortunately, EVs need less upkeep than automobiles that run on petrol. Nevertheless, there is little competition right now to help keep prices down if a costly component has to be replaced (like the battery pack, which may cost $5,000 or more, depending on the EV model).

Price Structures for Charging:

Unlike petrol, which is always charged by the gallon, EV charging is subject to several pricing regimes. Due to customer annoyance and bad experiences, this discrepancy may lead to uneven pricing and exorbitant billing rates, which may impede adoption.

Battery Technology:

While EV batteries have a limited lifetime, battery technology is always advancing. However, most Indians find it difficult to buy EVs because replacing an EV’s battery may be costly. Due to exorbitant insurance premiums and uncertainty about the cost of batteries beyond the guarantee term, say eight years, purchasing an electronic car now makes no financial sense.

There is a major scarcity of parking spots because of the fast urbanization and population growth that have increased the number of automobiles on the road. In India, many city people park their vehicles on the streets, which makes setting up EV charging infrastructure difficult. Furthermore, it is almost difficult for EV owners to charge their cars in India’s high-rise buildings since most need designated parking spaces or charging stations.

Also Read : In A Year, Where Will EVs Be In India?


The electric car sector faces several obstacles, including high prices and a dearth of infrastructure and knowledge. However, the business is changing quickly due to government efforts and private sector investments, and the next several years should see tremendous development in this area.

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